A Christmas Story by Nicodemus
Once upon a time there was an elf. He was asleep. Then he woke up in space. And then he saw something furry. So he... he, um... oh, he ran into a storm trooper's bathroom. And a girl storm trooper came out of one of the stalls and screamed. Cut. The furry thing is Chewy or Chewbacca.
Play: So scream!!!!!!!! And the elf ran out. Boo! He woke up in space with Han Solo frozen in carbonite. He screamed and woke up in space. And the elf said "Santa tricked ya!" as he pulled the suit off.
The elf said "Hhhrhrrh, this show is boring" as he woke up in space. And the elf said "Oh, come on!!! Give me a rest, will ya?" as he woke up in space.